Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What is 500 Songs to Freedom?

I was thinking about this over my lunch of Teriyaki Stix's Hot 'n Spicy Bowl, and I really don't think I've ever state EXACTLY what is 500 Songs to Freedom.

500 Songs to Freedom: A two-man effort (RedDevilD and GQD2008) attempting to complete all of the Rock Band, Rock Band 2, and Rock Band Downloadable Content as of January 7th-9th, 2009. A live stream will be available. We are currently working with the school we attend to see if we can do it at the school.

Harmonix has stated that there will be 500 or more songs by the end of the year. So, whatever is available as of January 7th, 2009, we are committed to playing. It doesn't matter if it gets released January 6th. It will be played. I just hope we don't get screwed with a bunch of t9s.

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